Slow down: How journal writing can benefit adults with ADHD

Do you ever feel like you need the world to stop moving? We know the feeling. Sometimes life can feel too busy. You might not be able to manage your thoughts, or your stress levels might be getting to you. With the self-care revolution, we’re all trying to find ways to slow down and help stay on top of life.

If you’re an adult with ADHD, you’ll know the feeling all too well. Journaling is becoming one of the most popular hobbies for adults with ADHD as it can stop you feeling overwhelmed and help you practise self-compassion. At Billy, we believe that everyone can benefit from taking life a little slower. Journal writing is a great way to stop and check-in with yourself. We’re sharing how journaling can help adults with ADHD.

1. Journaling helps reduce anxiety

The last few years have been stressful. Anxiety is a daily part of life as an adult with ADHD. While you might not feel like vocalising your anxiety, your journal can be a safe space to share your thoughts and feelings. Getting your anxiety down on paper can help you make sense of your feelings and overcome your fears. If you don’t feel like you can share your anxious thoughts with another person, a journal is the next best thing. Keep it with you to reach for during times when you need to check in with yourself.

2. Daily writing will increase your creativity

Adults with ADHD tend to be some of the most creative people you’ll ever meet. If you feel like your creativity has taken a hit, it’s time to grab a journal and pen. Journaling is a form of mind-mapping that can help you rediscover your creative side. Sitting down with your journal and writing down your thoughts helps you tap into your imagination. Whether you’re an artist or someone who enjoys floral arranging, journaling can help you explore your creative side as an adult with ADHD.

A notebook lies open on a bench surrounded by plants in a peaceful garden. There are some pencil sketches of plants on the pages. Slow down by drawing.
Your journal doesn’t have to look like a traditional diary – use it to unwind, however that looks for you.

3. You can write about anything!

The beauty of journaling is that it looks different for everyone. As an adult with ADHD, you can use your journal as your ‘brain dump’. The place where you put all your thoughts and feelings. It doesn’t have to be pretty and colour coded. As long as it works for you and helps you manage your ADHD, it’s beautiful. Every page of your journal can be different. Use it as a diary or treat it like the best friend you call to talk to about your day.

4. Journaling teaches us self-compassion

It’s easy to feel down in the dumps about ourselves. One reason we love journaling is that it can help to teach us self-compassion. Negative thoughts can creep up on us when we least expect them. Journaling is a way of spotting the red flags and knowing when you need to take time to reflect.

Mindfulness is one of the most important aspects of self-compassion. Allow yourself to write about how you’re feeling but match it with words of kindness to yourself. You can turn your journal into a two-way conversation with yourself – identifying your feelings while showing yourself some kindness and compassion in the process. As an adult with ADHD, writing down your feelings can also help you normalise them and accept them as part of everyday life. Slow down. You deserve it.

Are you ready to add journaling to your daily routine? At Billy, our customisable notebooks are designed and printed in the UK. You can tailor every aspect of your journal – from the text, to the binding and even the paper type. Explore our range of fully customisable journals and notebooks here.

Here are our top picks of the week in soothing greens and vibrant pink and ochre:

Earth Tones Monogram / Brushstrokes I / Oranges & Lemons

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